Tahoe Best Friends
Only the Best for Our Best Friends
We Care when You are not There!
We are here to provide quality enrichment and socialization that dogs need to keep them stimulated, active, and happy in a safe and caring environment.
At Tahoe Best Friends, your dog is family!
What we offer
Cage-free dog daycare and overnight boarding in a homestyle setting (No cages or kennels – ever!)
24-hour supervision and care, so your dog is never alone
Slumber party setting at night – your dog can pick from couches, dog beds, blankets, or even snuggle up with our night staff
Ability to come and go with your dog during our daytime hours (7am-7pm) so your dog can enjoy a Tahoe vacation too!
Large indoor and outdoor areas for your dog to run, play, and socialize
Love and attention from our trained and compassionate staff
Free 1-hour evaluation of your dog’s temperament if you are unsure how your dog would do in our cage-free setting (ask our front office staff about how to set this up)
Grooming services: bath, brush, haircuts, nail trims, etc. (contact our groomer, Ashley, directly at (530) 318-7271 to inquire)
Dog Daycare & Overnight Boarding
South Lake Tahoe
Tahoe Best Friends is proud to offer:
- Overnight Boarding
- Slumber party style – no cages or kennels
- 24 Hour Staff
- Cage-free daycare
- Large Indoor & Outdoor Play Areas
- Small Dog Area & Yard
- Pamper Your Pet
- Haircuts, Bath & Brush
- Nail Trims
Why Choose Tahoe Best Friends?
We offer three unique features that no other facility in South Lake Tahoe offers:
No Cages - No Kennels
24 hour / 7 Day a Week Care
Large Indoor & Outdoor Areas to Play

In order for your dog to come play, we do have a few rules…
Your dog must be 100% dog-friendly
If you are unsure how your dog would do in our cage-free setting, please ask about setting up a free 1-hour evaluation for us to assess your dogs temperament
Your dog must be up to date on the following vaccines:
Rabies, DHPP (Distemper/Parvo), and Bordetella (for kennel cough). We will ask for proof of these vaccinations.
Male dogs over 8 months of age must be neutered
Exception: This does not apply if your dog weighs less than 30 pounds.
Female dogs do not have to be fixed
but can NOT be in heat while at our facility
Your dog must not be showing any symptoms or signs of illness:
coughing, hacking, sneezing, nose/eye discharge
Your dog must be wearing a collar with their name on it
We have loaner collars and disposable name tags if needed
*We reserve the right to refuse your dog, or send your dog home, if any of these requirements are not met.